Jumat, 22 April 2011

Famous Places

 Katedral Koln
Katedral Koln di Jerman Barat terkenal karena
rancangannya,ukiran dan umurnya.Pekerjaan
membangun katedral ini dimulai pada tahun 1248
dan dilanjutkan,kadang kala berhenti,selama lebih
dari 600 tahun.Rancangannya yang bergaya Gotik
berasal dari Eropa pada abad pertengahan.Puncak
menara kembar pada katedral ini tingginya 157
meter,dan bangunannya sendiri panjangnya 143
meter dan lebarnya 53 meter.Katedral itu rusak berat
pada Perang Dunia II, tetapi lalu di perbaiki.
Bangunan itu adalah lambang kota Koln.
Köln at Night, Bridge and Cathedral - Cathedral, Cologne, Cologne Cathedral, Dom, Germany, Hohenzollern Bridge, Koeln Cathedral, Museum, North Rhine Westphalia, NRW, Roman Germanic Museum

 Istana Fontainebleau
Dahulu fontainebleau adalah wisma selama berburu yang
digunakan raja perancis bertahun-tahun yang lalu.Tetapi pada
tahun 1527 wisma itu dibangun kembali dan di perluas.Para
tukang ahli Perancis dan Italia mengubahnya menjadi puri.Di
sinilah Napoleon menandatangani dokumen dari Paris,di tepi
hutan yang indah.Kini bangunan itu menjadi museum umum.

Palace of Fontainebleau 

Castle of Chinon
chinon castle
It was here in 1429 Joan of Arc  met with the crown prince, the future King Charles VII. Since that times  the castle became a royal residence: there are the royal apartments and spacious throne room of various kings and queens hidden here. Starting its history back in 954, the castle was being continuously rebuild and developed for around 5 more centuries. After 17th century a new owner  Cardinal Richelieu decided to have his own touch to the castle. In pursuit of fashion, he destroyed the interior of the ancient castle and changed the layout. In this  reformed forms  the castle survived until our days.

The Chambord

In the middle of beautiful forests is  the largest hunting chateau in the Loire Chambord, which is  performing  its function till now. While the fortress was built around the traditional central fortified tower, donjon, Chambord was not built as a fortress. This project is full of architectural excesses and jewelry  which  make it different from solid medieval castles of boring constructs. Construction has become one of the largest for its time: it consisted of about two thousand workers. It is felt that Leonardo da Vinci  helped creating  the project, who was then working for the French king.

The Versailles VersaillesCastle

A modest hunting lodge built by order of Louis XIII, in just a couple of decades has been transformed into the next monarch, Louis XIV in a magnificent palace, made in the most modern and fashionable styles – Baroque and Classical. With the construction of Versailles it began a new era in the construction of palaces in France, and throughout Europe. It became a standard suburban residences of European rulers. Since that time, nobody cares about the utility and thick walls – everything is subject to fashion, elegance, and harmony. The new shelter cost almost as much as  the royal treasury . On the construction of Versailles had to spend an amount equal to the price at that time- more than ten tons of silver. The residence includes one of the largest parks in Europe, consisting of innumerable flower gardens, greenhouses, decorated with hundreds of sculptures and fountains.

The Castle of Franconville Castle Franconville

Elegant castle in the classical style not far from Saint-Martin-du Tertre built just a half century ago. This primary castle served at the beginning as  a hosting house for the luxurious people from all over the Paris. Later on in Franconville opened a hospital for tuberculosis patients, existed in this building until 1992. After that the fortune of this huge palace was left to numerous foundations until now.

  White House
Gedung Putih di Washington DC adalah tempat tinggal Presiden USA.
Gedung itu dibakar oleh serdadu Inggris selama Perang
Kemerdekaan pada tahun 1812,dan ketika
dibangun kembali gedung itu di cat putih.
Begitulah asal mula namanya.Di Gedung Putih
terdapat lebih dari 100 kamar dan kantor.
Presiden dan keluarganya tinggal di lantai dua
The White House in Washington DC is home to the President of USA.
The building was burned by British soldiers during the War
Independence in 1812, and when
rebuilt the building in white paint.
That's the origin of the White House namanya.Di
there are more than 100 rooms and offices.
The President and his family lived on the second floor

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